BXOs' Founder Summit:

Register for one of our up coming Masterclass Events focused on Growth Planning, Acquisition Strategy, and Exit Planning.

Learn More About Our Next Webinar

Art Of The Acquisition

Key Webinar Takeaway's

  • Build a strategic plan for acquired growth
  • Utilizing the buyer advantage for acquisition
  • How to build a pipeline of prospects
  • Evaluating and prioritizing opportunities

The Art Of The Exit

Key Webinar Takeaway's

  • How to take control of your exit through planning
  • Review the three areas of exit planning.
  • Building an action plan  for a successful exit
  • Utilizing a proven process to maximize value

Navigating Growth

Key Webinar Takeaway's

  • Provide structure to build a  one-page plan
  • Prioritize the five key initiatives in a business
  • Business goals and tracking milestones
  • Integrate management into planning

Understanding Business Attractiveness From A Buyers Perspective.

Understanding how buyers look at your business and derive value gives you the ability to make changes or enhancements to increase the value of your business. Hear a short overview on the key segments of buyer attractiveness.


Short Excerpts From Past Webinars

The Importance of Conducting A Formal Business Valuation.

Many business owners lose the opportunity to maximize net-proceeds from the sale of their business by not following this fundamental rule. Hear from Tom Theurkauf, Partner at Sun Valuation on the importance of conducting a third-party valuation as the foundation of your tax planning strategy. 


Take Control Of Your Exit By Having An Exit Plan.

Exit Planning for business owners is the first step to taking control of their exit and increasing enterprise value heading into a transaction. Brad Muniz from Sobel Accounting reverses the tables and interviews, Brett Dearing, on the importance of preparedness before a sale. 


Ensuring A Successful Exit By Building The Right Team.

Having the right team members represent you through all three stages of a transaction is key to maximizing sale value. Bruce Altman from Eureka Capital will discuss the importance of preparedness planning. 


How Cybersecurity Can Impact Your Exit.

Deborah Nitka, Manager at CohnReznick will discuss the fundamentals of building a functional cyber strategy for your business. Most importantly, we will also discuss how cyberattacks can reduce the value of your business and impact your ability to sell.


Preparing Your Growth Plan.

Brett Dearing and Stephen King, Founder of GrowthForce have an in-depth discussion about the mistakes business owners make around growth planning and utilizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  They also share real examples of success by business owners that incorporate customized KPIs for growth.


 Request Access To Our Webinar Library

Areas of focus for business owner webinars

Performance Management

Business Planning 

Management Training

 Culture Development

Leadership Development

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Sample of Webinars In Our Library

Are You Struggling With Growing Your Business?

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