Guiding Business Owners Through Growth to A Successful Transition

THE Podcast For CEO Founders Looking to Maximize Value

Take THE EXIT Preparedness Assessment
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The Podcast For CEO Founders

In the bustling world of business ownership, the "Exit Podcast" hosted by Brett Dearing, Certified Exit Planning Advisor, emerges as a beacon for  business owners navigating the complex journey of exiting their businesses. This engaging podcast series delves into the intricacies of the exit process, offering invaluable insights, real-life stories, and expert advice.  Whether you're contemplating the a sale, looking to retire from a family-owned enterprise, or exploring mergers and acquisitions, the "Exit Podcast" provides a comprehensive guide through the exit process. The podcast offers interviews with seasoned business owners, insights from exit planning professionals, and discussions on post-exit opportunities. The "Exit Podcast" provides support to business owners that enables a successful transition.

Visit THE EXIT on Apple iTunes

THE EXIT Podcast Provides Guidance On:

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Growth Strategies

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Exit Planning

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Transition Preparedness

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CEO Founders: Share Your Exit Story On THEEXIT Podcast

As a business owner, your experiences in selling a business can serve as a valuable resource to others navigating similar paths. Your insights could greatly benefit fellow business owners undergoing this significant transition.

Be A Guest On THEXIT Podcast

The BXO Value Equation®

  • Creating Transparency 
  • Maximize Efficiency 
  • Enhance Operations
  • Help You Build A More Effective Management Team

         = Increased Value and Better Owner Lifestyle

BXO Empowers Business Owners

What's The Opportunity Cost Of Not Taking Action?

Most business owners think because they are not ready to sell they don't need to invest in the improvement of their business. That is the single biggest mistake owners make. The process of exit or succession planning is the foundation of owning a more profitable and attractive business. It is also the key to improving your lifestyle as an business owner. 

 BXO has repeatedly improved business value while improving the business lifestyle for our owner clients. 

What 's Your Return On Investment

Your BXO Recovery Plan®

Do you have a plan to accelerate the value of your business over the next 24 months? How will you protect and ensure the growth of your business while navigating one of the most challenging landscapes in decades?

Strategic Planning: A Key Initiative for Growing Your Business

One of the most difficult planning initiatives is aligning the current progress of your business with future needs and being able to create, implement, and monitor the progress of the proper strategic plan. Begin your  planning process by contacting BXO to discuss the keys to strategic planning and  accomplishing your future goals for the business.

Strategic Planning and Process Initiatives:

BXO National Advisor Network

If you are an advisor that has a experience working with business owners successfully transition their business, become a member of the BXO National Advisor Network. 

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BXO National Advisor Network Application

If you're in search of trusted advisors to recommend to business owners, or if you're seeking a referral to a business owner in the process of exiting their business, consider joining the BXO National Advisor Network.

Join The BXO National Advisory Network

Looking for a Keynote Speaker for Your Upcoming Business Owner Event?

Brett provides CEO Founders education and fiduciary advice to meet their unique and ever-changing needs. Brett is a sought-after consultant, planning coach and keynote speaker for business owners and advisors to business owners for businesses ranging
from $30 million to $250 million in enterprise value.

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